Thank you, Life . Style . Live! and WISH-TV.

Thank you, Ryan and Jillian, Indy Now, Fox 59. Your entire crew made it so easy and fun for us!

Thank you, All Indiana, WISH-TV.

Thank you, BEO Show, WISH-TV.

Thank you, Ryan and Jillian, Indy Now, Fox 59. Your entire crew made it so easy and fun for us!

Thank you WISH TV 8, Peggy McClelland for the interview and the welcoming partnership with Indiana Small Business Expo. An additional special thank you also to Allan Haw with WISH TV 8.

Thank you WISH TV 8, Scott Sander for the interview and the welcoming partnership with Indiana Small Business Expo.

Thank you WISH TV 8, Peggy McClelland for the interview and the welcoming partnership with Indiana Small Business Expo.

Thank you WISH TV 8, Cody Adams for our interview in Life Style Live. Indiana Small Business Expo is grateful for the partnership to serve small businesses.

Thank you, Nigel and Jason Hammer, fellow Beech Grove High School Alumni for my interview!

Anchor, Matthew Fultz from channel 13 WTHR was our Emcee Host for 2023 Indiana Small Business Expo Tradeshow Conference. We were so honored to have Matthew participate and show support to our small business communities.

Anchor, Matthew Fultz from channel 13 WTHR was our Emcee Host for 2023 Indiana Small Business Expo Tradeshow Conference. We were so honored to have Matthew participate and show support to our small business communities.

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