First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail *
Phone *
Business Products in which you’d like to display on your table at Expo. *
Do you hold any professional licenses? If so, please list them and in what States. *
Business Name | Please list all Business Names *
Street Address *
City, State *
Zip Code *
Website Address *
Industries and Companies that would like to connect with *
Which Membership or Vendor option are you choosing? Please review website descriptions and choose one. *
NOTE: In an effort to provide a diverse lineup of exhibitors, show management reserves the right to limit similar product offerings and services. Management also reserves the right to deny the application of companies whose products are not in keeping with the event’s healthy business environment. Please type your Initials. *
NEXT STEPS: If application is approved, please watch for emails labeled Square Invoice and Square Contract from Indiana Small Business Expo
Did a Member refer you? *
1 + 5 = ?Please prove that you are human by solving the equation *